The nutritional value of dried apricots
100 grams of dried apricot contains about 280 calories and is composed of 65% carbohydrates, 5 %protein, 0.4 fat.
Uses of apricots
The natural apricot and its dried version are eaten as fruit or nut and are also used in canning, juices or frozen foods.
The almond is technically the seed of the fruit of the almond tree which is oval in shape, and buttery in taste. As is one of the most popular nuts, almond is not only well known in modern times but throughout history. There are three forms of the almond plant, one producing sweet almonds, and the others producing bitter and Mamra almonds respectively. Sweet almonds are the type that is eaten and most almond related products utilize the sweet variety. Bitter almonds contain trace amounts of lethal acid that is used as flavoring agent. Mamra almond is also a type of almond which is distinguished by its very unique texture and appearance. Almonds are nutritional powerhouses and contain calcium, folic acid, magnesium, potassium, and many vitamins and minerals. | ![]() |
The nutritional value of almonds
100 grams of almond kernels contains about 600 calories in composed of 54% fat, 20% carbohydrates and 19% protein.
Uses of almondsSweet Almonds are used in candies, baked products and confectioneries, while bitter almonds are used for medical purpose and in the manufacturer of perfume.
Potato is grass like plant.this plant with underground leg rich of starch potato leaves like scutellum. These flowers are violet or white and burst clusteres. Plant fruit is green to tallow.potato rich betacaroten and starch.potato reinforce heart and lenitive and ulcer and fix gum . potatogalor vitamin c,b, potash fat people dout use potato with oil . If grate raw potato every day 15 min placer to eyes could remove timidity this salve with olive oil for yellow bile,hemorrhoid,arthritis useful. Boiled leaves potato with water was hypnotic and helpful for treatment nerrousrheumatic,diarrhea,conrulsion. This salve with honey used for lung infection. Backed potato used for contusion swollen finger. Green section toxicosis potato toxicosis mid vomiting,cramps,dizziness,heart beat. People who diabetics and kidney failure could use potato on diet. Potato use for treatment insomnia cramp,nervous,caugh Potato raw water improve ulcer and intestinal
ulcers if eat at breakfast.
De pastinaak komt oorspronkelijk uit het Middelandse Zeegebied. De plant was al bekend bij de Oude Grieken en de Romeinen. De plant was oorspronkelijk zo groot als een gewone wortel (peen). Bij hun trek naar het noorden namen de Romeinse soldaten de pastinaak mee. Daar bleek dat de pastinaak in koudere gebieden veel groter werd. De pastinaak kwam in de Middeleeuwen naar West-Europa en was vóór de introductie van de aardappel een belangrijk volksvoedsel. In Groot-Brittannië en Ierland is de "witte wortel" populair gebleven. In de Verenigde Staten aten de immigranten aanvankelijk ook pastinaak, meegebracht door de Engelsen. Net als elders is ook daar de pastinaak vervangen door de aardappel. Amerikanen zien de pastinaak hoofdzakelijk als hardnekkig onkruid.
Pastinaak, pinksternakel of witte wortel is een plant uit de schermbloemenfamilie (Apiaceae). Het is een circa 20 cm lang wortelgewas met een zoete anijsachtige smaak en een crème-witte kleur. Door de lengte van de penwortel is de groente niet geschikt voor teelt op kleigronden. De pastinaak wordt doorgaans in de tweede helft van april gezaaid. Bij vroeger zaaien gaat de plant al in het eerste jaar bloeien. Pastinaak wordt pas in november geoogst. Later oogsten in december of zelfs januari is ook mogelijk, omdat de wortel in de grond niet dood vriest.
He went on to note that unstable foreign currency rates, a rise in dried fruit prices and problems due to international sanctions against Iran have almost halted country’s dried fruit exports.
Shamsfard said that dried fruit prices have increased by 20 percent compared to last year due to increasing fruit prices and foreign currency price rises.
Many shippers refuse to ship Iranian cargo, he said, adding that, Iranian exporters have to export their goods to the EU via UAE ports.
Last year, dried fruit exports to the EU decreased by 25 percent compared to previous years, Shamsfard said.
Iran eyes Central Asian and Chinese markets to offset the sales fall, he added.
Later in August, Iranian media outlets quoted Shamsfard as saying Iran exported some $2.30 billions in dried fruits during the last solar year which ended on March 21.
Iran mainly exports pistachios, raisins, and dates. Iran is one of the largest producers of pistachio in the world. Raisins, figs, dates, and barberries are the other major export-bound dried fruits of Iran.